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Latest Java Releases

Release 1.78.1 is now available for download.

1.78/1.78.1 is a mixture of security release and feature release. 4 CVEs are dealt with, in addition to that a NullPointerException that could occur in the OcspCache has been dealt with, PEM parsing is more forgiving of whitespace, a small error in the CCM length check for large nonce-sizes has been fixed. An issue in the BCJSSE that could cause issues with HSMs has been fixed, GOST public key algorithm parameters now follow RFC 9215. By way of additions NTRU now supports NTRU-HPS4096-1229 and NTRU-HRSS-1373 and the provider now has support for Java 21's KEMSpi using NTRU and SNTRU Prime. Composite signatures have been brought into line with the latest RFC draft, support has been added for encryption key derivation using HKDF in CMS, and an implementation of the XWing Hybrid KEM construction has also been added. Finally a new API supporting RFC 9420 "The Message Layer Security Protocol" has been added.

Further details on other additions and bug fixes can be found in the 1.78.1 and 1.78 release notes files accompanying the release.

Security Notes

Release 1.78 deals with the following CVEs:

  • CVE-2024-29857 - Importing an EC certificate with specially crafted F2m parameters can cause high CPU usage during parameter evaluation.
  • CVE-2024-30171 - Possible timing based leakage in RSA based handshakes due to exception processing eliminated.
  • CVE-2024-30172 - Crafted signature and public key can be used to trigger an infinite loop in the Ed25519 verification code.
  • CVE 2024-34447 - When endpoint identification is enabled in the BCJSSE and an SSL socket is not created with an explicit hostname (as happens with HttpsURLConnection), hostname verification could be performed against a DNS-resolved IP address.

Additional Notes

If you are using an OSGi container that is restricted to using the jdk15to18 jars, you need to use the jars available from here not Maven Central. Unfortunately the ".1" release caused an error in the BND script we were using and it generated an invalid version number that some containers will reject. Sorry.


Java Version Details With the arrival of Java 15. jdk15 is not quite as unambiguous as it was. The jdk18on jars are compiled to work with anything from Java 1.8 up. They are also multi-release jars so do support some features that were introduced in Java 9, Java 11, and Java 15. If you have issues with multi-release jars see the jdk15to18 release jars below.

Packaging Change (users of 1.70 or earlier): BC 1.71 changed the jdk15on jars to jdk18on so the base has now moved to Java 8. For earlier JVMs, or containers/applications that cannot cope with multi-release jars, you should now use the jdk15to18 jars.

Packaging Change (users of 1.68 or earlier): BC 1.69 introduced a new jar, bcutil-*.jar, which is a collection of classes which do not need to be in the JCE provider jar, but are used by the other APIs. You will find you will need to add the bcutil jar to the class path if you are using the other BC APIs.

Change Warning (users of 1.68 or earlier): The BKS-V1 KeyStore format is now disabled by default. See releasenotes for 1.69 for details to turn it on if required.

Change Warning (users of 1.52 or earlier): The PEM Parser now returns an X509TrustedCertificate block when parsing an openssl trusted certificate, the new object was required to allow the proper return of the trusted certificate's attribute block. Please also see the porting guide for advice on porting to this release from much earlier ones (release 1.45 or earlier).

Further Note (users of Oracle JVM 1.7 or earlier, users of "pre-Java 9" toolkits): As of 1.63 we have started including signed jars for "jdk15to18", if you run into issues with either signature validation in the JCE or the presence of the multi-release versions directory in the regular "jdk18on" jar files try the "jdk15to18" jars instead. Please also note the JCE certificate in the public access versions of Oracle Java 6 (6u45) and Oracle Java 7 (7u80) expired on the 20th April 2021. We still counter sign the jdk15to18 jars with this certificate for compatibility reasons, but Oracle does distribute JVMs for Java 6 and Java 7 with a newer, and stronger, certificate to holders of Java Support Contracts.

Others have contributed to this release, both with code and/or financially and you can find them listed in the contributors file. We would like to thank holders of Keyfactor support contracts for additional time that was contributed back to this release through left over consulting time provided as part of their support agreements. Thank you, one and all!

If you're interested in grabbing the lot in one hit (includes JCE, JCE provider, light weight API, J2ME, range of JDK compatibility classes, signed jars, fries, and king prawns...) download crypto-1.78.1.tar.gz or, otherwise if you are only interested in one version in particular, see below. Early access to our FIPS hardened version of the Java APIs is now available for both BC-FJA 2.0.0, and BC-FJA 2.1.0 as well, contact us at for further information.

Get the most out of your Bouncy Castle experience!

Get a support contract through Keyfactor. We have found two things that distinguish our support contract holders from our regular user base. Developers with access to a support contract are more likely to raise an issue with us early rather than try and muddle through, and developers with access to a support contract also take a more active interest in the beta releases, both FIPS and non-FIPS. The second one is useful as it means any issues or shortfalls in the beta are able to be fixed while the updates are still in beta. The first one is a real cost saver as it does not lead to us receiving emails starting with "Our development team has spent (some number of) weeks trying to work out..." It is much cheaper to have a support contract!

Signed JAR files

From release 1.40 some implementations of encryption algorithms were removed from the regular jar files at the request of a number of users. Jars with names of the form *-ext-* still include these.

  Provider Clean room JCE
and provider
ASN.1 Utility Classes PKIX/CMS/EAC/PKCS
JDK 1.8 and later bcprov-jdk18on-1.78.1.jar   bcutil-jdk18on-1.78.1.jar bcpkix-jdk18on-1.78.1.jar bcmail-jdk18on-1.78.1.jar bcjmail-jdk18on-1.78.1.jar bcpg-jdk18on-1.78.1.jar bcmls-jdk18on-1.78.1.jar bctls-jdk18on-1.78.1.jar bctest-jdk18on-1.78.1.jar
JDK 1.5 - JDK 1.8 bcprov-jdk15to18-1.78.1.jar   bcutil-jdk15to18-1.78.1.jar bcpkix-jdk15to18-1.78.1.jar bcmail-jdk15to18-1.78.1.jar bcjmail-jdk15to18-1.78.1.jar bcpg-jdk15to18-1.78.1.jar   bctls-jdk15to18-1.78.1.jar bctest-jdk15to18-1.78.1.jar
JDK 1.4 bcprov-jdk14-1.78.1.jar   bcutil-jdk14-1.78.1.jar bcpkix-jdk14-1.78.1.jar bcmail-jdk14-1.78.1.jar   bcpg-jdk14-1.78.1.jar   bctls-jdk14-1.78.1.jar (low-level only) bctest-jdk14-1.78.1.jar
JDK 1.3 bcprov-jdk13-1.78.1.jar jce-jdk13-1.78.1.jar bcutil-jdk13-1.78.1.jar bcpkix-jdk13-1.78.1.jar bcmail-jdk13-1.78.1.jar   bcpg-jdk13-1.78.1.jar     bctest-jdk13-1.78.1.jar
JDK 1.2 bcprov-jdk12-1.78.1.jar jce-jdk12-1.78.1.jar   bcpkix-jdk12-1.78.1.jar     bcpg-jdk12-1.78.1.jar     bctest-jdk12-1.78.1.jar

The following signed provider jars are provided so that you can make use of the debug information in them. In the case of the non-provider jars (bcpkix, bcpg, and bcmail), the jar files do not need to be signed to work. You can rebuild them with debug turned on, or operate directly from the source, if you need.

  Providers with debug
JDK 1.8 and later bcprov-debug-jdk18on-1.78.1.jar
JDK 1.5 - JDK 1.8 bcprov-debug-jdk15to18-1.78.1.jar
JDK 1.4 bcprov-debug-jdk14-1.78.1.jar

Sources and JavaDoc

JDK 1.8 and later bctls-jdk18on-1.78.1.tar.gz
JDK 1.5 - JDK 1.8 bctls-jdk15to18-1.78.1.tar.gz
JDK 1.4 (low-level only) bctls-jdk14-1.78.1.tar.gz

  ASN.1 and Utility Classes
JDK 1.8 and later bcutil-jdk18on-1.78.1.tar.gz
JDK 1.5 - JD8 1.8 bcutil-jdk15to18-1.78.1.tar.gz
JDK 1.4 bcutil-jdk14-1.78.1.tar.gz
JDK 1.3 bcutil-jdk13-1.78.1.tar.gz

JDK 1.8 and later bcpkix-jdk18on-1.78.1.tar.gz
JDK 1.5 - JDK 1.8 bcpkix-jdk15to18-1.78.1.tar.gz
JDK 1.4 bcpkix-jdk14-1.78.1.tar.gz
JDK 1.3 bcpkix-jdk13-1.78.1.tar.gz
JDK 1.2 bcpkix-jdk12-1.78.1.tar.gz
JDK 1.1 bcpkix-jdk11-1.78.1.tar.gz

JDK 1.8 and later bcpg-jdk18on-1.78.1.tar.gz
JDK 1.5 - JDK 1.8 bcpg-jdk15to18-1.78.1.tar.gz
JDK 1.4 bcpg-jdk14-1.78.1.tar.gz
JDK 1.3 bcpg-jdk13-1.78.1.tar.gz
JDK 1.2 bcpg-jdk12-1.78.1.tar.gz
JDK 1.1 bcpg-jdk11-1.78.1.tar.gz

JDK 1.8 and later bcmail-jdk18on-1.78.1.tar.gz
JDK 1.5 - JDK 1.8 bcmail-jdk15to18-1.78.1.tar.gz
JDK 1.4 bcmail-jdk14-1.78.1.tar.gz
JDK 1.3 bcmail-jdk13-1.78.1.tar.gz

  JCE with provider and lightweight API Lightweight API  
JDK 1.8 and later bcprov-jdk18on-1.78.1.tar.gz lcrypto-jdk18on-1.78.1.tar.gz
JDK 1.5 - JDK 1.8 bcprov-jdk15to18-1.78.1.tar.gz lcrypto-jdk15to18-1.78.1.tar.gz
JDK 1.4 bcprov-jdk14-1.78.1.tar.gz lcrypto-jdk14-1.78.1.tar.gz
JDK 1.3 jce-jdk13-1.78.1.tar.gz lcrypto-jdk13-1.78.1.tar.gz
JDK 1.2 jce-jdk12-1.78.1.tar.gz lcrypto-jdk12-1.78.1.tar.gz
JDK 1.1 jce-jdk11-1.78.1.tar.gz lcrypto-jdk11-1.78.1.tar.gz

  Releases no longer maintained
J2ME lcrypto-j2me-173.tar.gz
JDK 1.0 lcrypto-jdk10-133.tar.gz


  1. The tar archives were created using GNU tar (some versions of Solaris tar will have problems extracting them)
  2. The J2ME source distribution includes zips for the class files

You can find the release notes, documentation, and specifications here.

You can find checksums for confirming the integrity of the distributions here

Too slow? You can also find the latest versions on one of our mirrors:

Beta Access
The current working betas, when available, for the next release for JDK 1.8 and later can be found at If you need a beta to be made available for another version of Java please ask by emailing

Maven Access
The BC jars are now mirrored on the Maven central repository. You can find them at

GIT Access
Just want to look at the source? The source code repository is now mirrored on GitHub and accessible from here. The repository can be cloned using either

git clone
or git protocol
git clone git://

FTP Access
Previous releases, as well as the latest ones, can be downloaded from our ftp server Please note the FTP server does not support passive mode.